Multiple Fonts


In the starter kit, I have already configured two fonts: Inter and Source Serif 4. To use those fonts, you can use the font-sans and font-serif class in TailwindCSS.


You can find the following piece of code in src/app/layout.tsx and tailwind.config.ts file:

import { Inter, Source_Serif_4 } from 'next/font/google';
// other import statements

// making an object of Inter font, and giving it variable '--font-sans'
const fontSans = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-sans' });

// making an object of Source Serif 4 font, and giving it variable '--font-serif'
const fontSerif = Source_Serif_4({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  style: ['italic', 'normal'],
  variable: '--font-serif',

// some code here
          'font-sans antialiased', // making font-sans default
          fontSans.variable, // with this, you can use font-sans anywhere
          fontSerif.variable // with this, you can use font-serif anywhere
// other code
// other code
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['var(--font-sans)', ...fontFamily.sans],
        serif: ['var(--font-serif)', ...fontFamily.serif],

Now using the above reference, let's try to use another font. We'll try using Space Grotesk as font-mono.

We can very easily edit the above files as below:

import { Inter, Source_Serif_4, Space_Grotesk } from 'next/font/google';
// other import statements

// making an object of Inter font, and giving it variable '--font-sans'
const fontSans = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-sans' });

// making an object of Source Serif 4 font, and giving it variable '--font-serif'
const fontSerif = Source_Serif_4({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  style: ['italic', 'normal'],
  variable: '--font-serif',

//making an object of Space Grotesk font, and giving it variable '--font-mono'
const fontMono = Space_Grotesk({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  variable: '--font-mono',

// some code here
          'font-sans antialiased', // making font-sans default
          fontSans.variable, // with this, you can use font-sans anywhere
          fontSerif.variable, // with this, you can use font-serif anywhere
          fontMono.variable // with this, you can use font-mono anywhere
// other code
// other code
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['var(--font-sans)', ...fontFamily.sans],
        serif: ['var(--font-serif)', ...fontFamily.serif],
        mono: ['var(--font-mono)', ...fontFamily.mono],

Now as you can see, we imported Space_Grotesk from next/font/google and then we created an object of it.

Then we passed fontMono.variable in the className attribute of <body> tag.

Other than that, we simply had to add mono: ['var(--font-mono)', ...fontFamily.mono], in our tailwind.config.ts and we're done!

Now you can use font-mono as a className in any file and the font will be used.

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