🚀Get started

To start a new project using this starter kit, go to the template's github repo and click on "Use this template" button.

Or, if you're more of a terminal person, simply run the following command in your terminal:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/inclinedadarsh/nextjs-starter.git your-project-name

Now the above command will clone the template locally. You can start using it. Run the following command to install all the dependencies:

cd your-project-name
bun install

This template is 100% based on Bun. To use this template, you need to install Bun.

To install Bun, checkout their installation guide or use the following command.

npm install -g bun

If you're not familiar with bun, don't worry. Simply replace npm with bun and replace npx with bunx in all your commands and you're good to go.

To run the development server, use the following command:

bun run dev

Check out all the customizations you can to get a head start in your project.

Last updated